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Why you need a powder exfoliant

Why you need a powder exfoliant

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to exfoliate. Why? Because the skin is constantly generating new cells at the lower dermis level to replace dead skin cells on the upper layer, the epidermis.

• When you exfoliate, you’re polishing away dead skin cells for brighter, healthier-looking skin.
• Powder exfoliants are a gentle way to work
exfoliation into your daily routine.

 You’ve probably heard that it’s important to exfoliate. Why? Because the skin is constantly generating new cells at the lower dermis level to replace dead skin cells on the upper layer, the epidermis. As we get older, our cell turnover process slows down and cells gather unevenly on the skin’s surface. That leads to both dull dry patches and a lackluster appearance.

When you exfoliate, you help remove dead skin cells, revealing the fresher, younger cells below.
Many people who know this tend to over-exfoliate in pursuit of a healthier-looking glow. That’s because they are using harsh scrubs meant for weekly or semi-weekly use. Powder exfoliants are a gentler way to work exfoliating into your daily routine so you get those fresher, glowing benefits without overstimulating your skin.

Dermalogica has three powder exfoliants:

daily milkfoliant

This new oat-based powder exfoliant gently polishes to reveal smoother, more vibrant skin while replenishing the moisture barrier. It also helps relieve skin with calming and soothing ingredients.

daily milkfoliant 


daily superfoliant

This charcoal-based powder exfoliant helps remove air pollution particles that can enter pores and accelerate skin aging. It also helps detoxify pores for firmer, healthier-looking skin.

daily superfoliant 

daily microfoliant

This rice-based powder exfoliant helps you say goodbye to dullness and uneven skin tone. It micro-exfoliates dead cells and balances pigmentation, leaving skin smoother and brighter.

daily microfoliant 

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